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Daily Care Plan
Increased PDC 
Medication Adherence
Inpatient Admission

Daily member engagement

Wellth reaches and motivates individuals struggling to adhere to care plans, rewarding them for healthy behaviors.

Checking clinical values
(A1c, BP)
medical devices
Doctor Appointment
Attending provider appointments
Getting screenings
and labs

Our science-backed platform is built on the principles of behavioral economics to work for the hardest-to-reach populations.

Explore the Wellth platform

Healthier behaviors at population-scale

Wellth gives hard-to-reach and complex populations a motivating and rewarding experience daily to improve health, cost, and quality outcomes. Our programs break through the noise, engaging members that traditional strategies have failed to reach.

30 million daily check-ins

ROI is guaranteed

We only get paid when you see care plan adherence.

Wellth partners have given over $15,000,000 in rewards back to their members for daily healthy behaviors.

How it works

We help people with chronic conditions, barriers to accessing healthcare, and distrust of the medical system...
...prioritize their care plans every day by taking medications, monitoring conditions, and getting preventative screenings... help organizations meet and exceed goals for cost, quality, and health outcomes.

What motivates us

“We securely sent Wellth our database of hard-to-reach patients with all their relevant conditions, and the number of patients we wanted to enroll. Wellth did all the heavy lifting, including patient outreach and activation.”
Dr. Brian Hodgkins
Executive Vice President of Clinical Operations
“After starting our members on Wellth, we've seen significant decreases in utilization and improved outcomes. The program more than paid for itself.”
Ian Straayer
Manager of Quality Improvement
“When I started Wellth, the way I felt about taking my medications changed. I started feeling more enthusiastic since I knew I would be receiving rewards. This compelled me to be more disciplined with my pills and treatments.”
Carolina N.
Wellth Member
"Before Wellth, I wasn’t taking my medications on time or even every day. Now I’m taking my medication every day, on time, on my own. I find myself going outside more and being more active. Being in Wellth wasn’t just about the money—I just feel much better now. The rewards helped me pay for my medication, so in a way, they helped me invest in my own health."
Greg H.
Wellth Member
“I can't believe my health is finally in really good shape. I have so many things to do each day, I used to forget all about my medication. During my three months with Wellth, I forgot my pills only once, and I didn't have emergency hospital visits. In fact, I didn't need to go to the hospital at all! This is a huge improvement for me.”
Maria S.
Wellth Member
“The very members we'd previously had trouble connecting with wanted to get signed up when they heard about the Wellth program. We've had wonderful results with that population.”
Tamara Migut
Director of Quality

Talk to our team

Learn how Wellth can impact health, cost, and quality outcomes for your organization.